08 February 2013

My email to GWEB re Population Matters

Below is my email to the Green World Editorial Board and my Regional Council reps regarding GWEB's decision not to distribute a promotional leaflet from Population Matters.


Dear Green World Editorial Board (GWEB) and GPRC Reps,

I am writing in support of GWEB's decision not to distribute a Population Matters leaflet with the magazine.

Population Matters reflects the values of the old ecological movement - which placed environmental concerns above the welfare and freedom of poor and working-class people - not the 21st century Green Party.

Here are just a few reasons why:

- our current and imminent environmental crises are primarily a result of over-consumption incentivised by the capitalist system, not over-population;

- there is not necessarily a correlation between number and footprint. For instance, a childless couple in Britain driving a Range Rover and leaving their house lights on will almost certainly have a greater footprint than a large struggling family in a poorer nation;

- what use is a woman's right to choose if that right doesn't also extend to the right to choose when and how many?;

- the experience of countries such as Brazil (where fertility rates have dropped dramatically) show that increased urbanisation and improved socio-economic prospects for women have more success in decreasing fertility rates than direct government or NGO intervention;

- what right does a country like Britain - with an extensive and brutal history of imperialism - have to tell the people of other countries what to do with their bodies?;

- given the economic status and racial makeup of Population Matters' targets, there's an inevitable class and racial dimension to their campaign which is contrary to the Green Party's values;

- the Green Party's historic association with the "over-population movement" generates a great deal of suspicion from other left-wing activists, parties and groups - undermining attempts to attract new members and unite with such groups in fighting against austerity and in other campaigns.

Therefore, I hope that GWEB will stand by its decision not to grant precious promotional space to Population Matters. To do otherwise would inevitably be seen as a form of tacit endorsement.

Peace and solidarity,

Chris Appleby